getting to the root of your dis-ease.

Radical healing for utah

Acupuncture | Herbs | Comprehensive Treatment Plans

Personal treatment

Chronic pain

The ideal choice if you want a personalized plan that is tailored to your goals and lifestyle.

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fertility & womens health

Explore wellness principles on your own schedule through a variety of online lessons.

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And so much moreā€¦

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autoimmune & digestion

Begin your wellness journey with full access to our beginner-friendly live webinars and events.

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Hear from our patients


Infertility for 1.5 years

Had been diagnosed with PCOS, pregnant after 3 months of our treatment. From hopelessness to happiness.


Unexplained Infertility for 2 years

Pregnant within 3 months of our treatment with her first healthy baby! This video was recorded in 2022 and in 2024 Bianca is now pregnant with her second baby!


POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) for 3 years and Long Covid for 4 months

Debilitating daily migraines and nausea, severe chronic fatigue, bed-ridden, difficulty eating, difficulty breathing; mostly better within 2 weeks of our treatment.


Mysterious whole body nerve pain and carpal tunnel syndrome for 4 years and TMJ with jaw clenching and teeth grinding for 10 years

Resolved after 2 months of our treatment!


Hospitalized during pregnancy for severe amniotic fluid loss with breached baby. Exhaustion and desperation.

Within 1.5 weeks of our treatment from hospital, baby flipped into normal position; 1 week later amniotic fluid levels normal without further leakage. Doctors recommended induction; she is now able to take the baby to term with doctors baffled as to how the condition reversed


Debilitating Trigeminal Neuralgia and Migraines for 7 years

The pain was so severe she was struggling to find motivation to live. Within a week and a half of our treatment she was 75% better and back to loving life.